
Showing posts from November, 2023

STEAM & Arts Integration / Teachers: Grace, Carlota, Jake

     I   Mini-lessons  II Question 1 According to the video why are the Arts important in education?     II   Question 2 What does STEAM mean and why does it matter today?  Question 3 What do you think about take-away # 3? III       Question 4 What is new about the STEAM approach to Arts integration that is different from what most teachers think arts integration is? Explain   Students' Work  

How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent / Teachers: Luke, Benny, Alex, Brady

   I   Mini-lessons   II     How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent / Eddy Zhong     Question 1 What is Eddy Zhong's main argument about education? Explain.   Question 2   Do you agree or disagree with his argument. Explain why. -------------------------------   Students' Work   1   Luke Tegan     Title: Computer Shortcuts Theme: Computer Science Art Discipline: Technology  Grade Level: 9th Grade Teacher's Name: Luke Tegan 2. Date: November 27, 2023 3. Objective: Students will understand the simple computer shortcuts I teach 4. Activity: Teaching computer shortcuts to students who wish to expand their knowledge of computer software 5. Assessment: Assess students based on their group participation, successful completion of the worksheet as well as presentation. 6. Homework: Go home and create a document. Test out the tips I gave you and if you struggle bring in your questions 7. Cross-Curriculum Standards: The logic applied in this lesson can be applied to all courses, re

Toxic Culture of Education / Teachers: Ajay, Antonio, Olivia, Ryan, Rudy

    I  Unit: Teaching Theme: Toxic Culture of Education   Introduction A toxic school culture is defined as an environment where professionals are not on the same page; do not trust each other and where the performance and mental health of teaching staff has impacted in a negative way. Joshua Katz goes further by saying that "we have created a 'Toxic Culture of Education' in our country that is damaging students, impacting our economy, and threatening our future." The video presented today reflects Katz's notion about how this situation can be fixed.   II Learning Objectives Understand the challenges faced by public school teachers Explain aspects of Katz' speech with which you agree or  disagree Gain an awareness of the way in which we could fix the system Experience what is like to empower new teachers by discussing this subject  III Main Lesson   1 Minilessons Ajay Allen, Antonio Tripp, Olivia Miller, Ryan Steinberg, Rudy Stonisch 2 Students' Feedbac