Introductions / A Safe Environment
Creating a safe environment in the classroom is key in providing students with higher levels of instruction. An
important part of making students feel safe to learn and be creative is
knowing their names. However, that is just one of the many aspects
needed to actually show students that they are safe to be. Today's class
provides students with important tips that help teachers to create a
safe creative environment.
Learning Objectives
- Know each other's names
- Understand different creativity tips that make the classroom a safer learning environment
- Explain which tip is the most important
Main Lesson
a. Introductions to the group.
b. Write
a brief introduction where you share your name, your major, your place
of origin and your expectations for this class. Post your introduction
on Discussion Board.
A Note to Remember
The Safe Creative Classroom
A good teacher's duty is to establish an environment that supports creativity and at the same time eliminate suppressors of creativity. A teacher that supports creativity provides plenty of resources, trust and safety, an active environment and opportunities to showcase the students' creative work.
Developing Creativity in the Classroom
Search for safe creative classroom.
Case Study
Turkish short film, Oscar winner. "Don't Judge"by Albanian producer Elvis Naçi, 2020
Read the article above and discuss with your group members. Summarize your discussion and post it on today's forum.
Discussion Question
Read with your group the 20 tips listed in the link bellow. Discuss these tips with the members of your group.
LINK: 20 Tips for Creating a Safe Learning Environment
After clicking on the link and reading the tips for creating a safe learning environment, please choose the three tips that resonate with you the most. Explain.
Post a summary of your group discussion on Discussion Board.
Individual Work
If you were to choose the most important tip for you to apply in your own classroom, which tip would that be? Explain.
1. proximity: Proximity control is a strategy in which the teacher reduces the physical distance between herself and a student as a way to remind that student of behavioral expectations. What Do We Know About This Skill/Practice? reminder of expected behavior. engagement and reduce problem behaviors.
2. extinction: What Is It? Extinction procedures gradually reduce or eliminate a challenging behavior maintained by escape or attention by removing the reinforcement that is known to maintain challenging behavior. Use extinction procedures for low-intensity behaviors.
3. waiting time: Wait time refers to two specific practices where instructors deliberately pause. First, wait time 1 constitutes a 3-5 second pause between asking a question and soliciting an answer. Second, wait time 2 is a 3-5 second pause after a student response. This time provides students with time to think about the question and develop a response, either to the instructor’s question or a peer’s response. As a result, more students may be willing to answer the question and responses may be more thoughtful. While this deliberate pause sounds simple to implement, many instructors have been habituated to resist any silence in the classroom and may find it surprisingly difficult to enact this pause.
4. strategic sharing or personal story sharing: (1) Carefully selecting personal anecdotes to share can help teachers in their efforts to build strong relationships with students.(2) Story sharing is an effective strategy to promote and expose the common connections that lead to positive relationships.
Source 1:
Source 2:
5. student teacher relationship: students who share a positive relationship with their teacher develop stronger social-emotional skills and vice-versa.
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