plan pedagogy effectively, teachers need to have a theory of how people
learn. They need to examine all factors relevant to learning. Today,
we will see how this works when organizing material for a collage based
on the concept of the ethnosphere explained by Wade Davis. We will also get familiar with the work of Jacob Intilé in order to produce a collage that illustrates the interconnections of culture and nature.
How do we break out of the unproductive cycle & move teaching forward? (8th paragraph)
Group 3
3. What is needed for a teaching pedagogy to be effective?
(paragraph 9)
What individual specific factors aid learning?
(paragraph 10)
Group 4
4. What would such a theory of student learning look like?
(paragraph 11)
Group 5
5.What does having a theory of how people learn would allow teachers to do?
(paragraphs 12, 14, 15, 16)
Group 6
6. What happens as a result of presenting teaching techniques with no theoretical framework?
(paragraphs 17, 18)
Group 7
7. Why shouldn't we be looking forthe single best teaching method?
(paragraphs 19, 20)
collage is an artistic composition made of various materials (such as
paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface cut pictures from magazines.
There are 4 Types of Collages:
collé. Taken from the French term meaning “pasted paper” or “paper
cut-out,” papier collé, or paper collage, is a collaging technique in
which printed or decorated paper is applied to a surface, such as
canvas, to create a new image. ...
Découpage. Decoupage or découpage is the art of decorating an object by
gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint
effects, gold leaf, and other decorative elements. Commonly, an object
like a small box or an item of furniture is covered by cutouts from
magazines or from purpose-manufactured papers.
Photomontage. Photomontage is the process and the result of making a composite
photograph by cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping two or more
photographs into a new image. Sometimes the resulting composite image is
photographed so that the final image may appear as a seamless physical
Assemblage. Assemblage is an artistic form or medium usually created on a
defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting
out of or from the substrate. It is similar to collage, a
two-dimensional medium
A Note to Remember
making of a collage can be a creative way to bring attention to other
academic subjects. It allows students to use art to make a point.
Case Studies
The Ethnosphere
By Wade Davis
class will be introduced to National Geographic's Explorer Wade Davis
who teaches about what he calls the ethnosphere, a word he uses to
describe the
imaginative contributions of humanity to the planet. He makes emphasis
on people's stories. They are global resources, just like air, water,
and green life. Just like the biosphere, the ethnosphere is also threatened by rampant modernization and globalization.
(22:19 min)
Question 4
According to Wade Davis what is the ethnosphere?
Question 5
According to Wade Davis, what has been lost in terms of humanity's cultural heritage?
Question 6
According to Wade Davis, what is ethnocide?
Question 7
What did the Neolithic Revolution change for the human species?
Artist Jacob Intilé
Turning Pages of Magazines Into Surreal Collages
Jacob Intilé is
a Vancouver based artist who captures the seriousness of each creature
as we realize them in nature. However, through his work he is able to
give them new depth in their collaged transformations. They become kings
or emperors from another dimension. As expressed by Cynthia Schmelzer
in, his "ornate and otherworldly costumes all use of symmetry as an underlying theme throughout."
is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts,
where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus
creating a new whole.
Question 8
After watching these video, how would you define the word collage?
Students gather in groups to create a collage, specifically, a photo-montage, using National Geographic magazines.
Create your first lesson plan.
collé: Taken from the French term meaning “pasted paper” or “paper
Découpage: the art of decorating an object by
gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint
effects, gold leaf, and other decorative elements.
Photomontage: the process and the result of making a composite
photograph by cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping two or more
photographs into a new image.
Assemblage. it consists of three-dimensional elements projecting
out of or from the substrate. It is similar to collage, a
two-dimensional medium
Assigned Students' Work
Group 1
Nydia Kyriakopoulos?
1. How did teaching get this way?
What be done to move teaching forward?
(4th paragraph)
Why do teachers pursuit simple solutions?
(paragraphs 5 & 6)
By thinking all students think alike.
Group 2
Xinyi, Antonio, Ethan, Ajay
2. What does the lack of a validated model do?
(paragraph 7)
How do we break out of the unproductive cycle & move teaching forward? (8th paragraph)
Without a valid model we are not sure if the results are accurate or reliable
In order to break out an unproductive cycle and move forward we have to focus on innovative teaching methods.
Group 3
Meghan, Grace, Jake
3. What is needed for a teaching pedagogy to be effective?
(paragraph 9)
What individual specific factors aid learning?
(paragraph 10)
Matching how minds learn and think .
Group 4
Lana, Sebastian, Jake
4. What would such a theory of student learning look like?
(paragraph 11)
Teachers need support...
Group 5
Allie, Albion, Ryan, Nick, and Luke
5.What does having a theory of how people learn would allow teachers to do?
(paragraphs 12, 14, 15, 16)
The theory would allow teachers to know how impact learning.
Group 6
Ella, Marina, Ale
6. What happens as a result of presenting teaching techniques with no theoretical framework?
(paragraphs 17, 18)
Teaching techniques without theoretical framework are ineffective.
Group 7
Abbie Gendell and Joel Keller
7. Why shouldn't we be looking forthe single best teaching method?
(paragraphs 19, 20)
A good teaching method is adapting your style to the learner.
Students' Work
COLLAGE: Photomontage
Classic Meets Modern
Nydia Kyriakopoulos?
Our collage shows images from the past such as the Renaissance. We also
have newer art that is more modern. It is very visually appealing with
the mix of styles
The Voyage for Food
Duke Wyler,Lana Nesheiwat, Sebastian Chin, Jake Irrgang
Here we have a family exploring the land in hopes of finding food.
Little do they know, their is a guy close to them with a bunch of food.
Art & Architecture
Allie Rodman, Albion Shala, Ryan Steinberg, Nick DiAmbrosio, and LukeTegan
Art is expressed in numerous ways. Here we are expressing the beauty of art through design, color, and architecture.
Ella Li, Marina Tischenkel, Alessandra Diamond
Each element is necessary to make the windmill work. We
(animals, humans, the environment) coexist and without eachother we are
not able to live.
Nature and Random Things
Abby Gendell and Joel Keller
Art is expressed in various ways. Here we put together a collage as a collection of pieces and pulled them together
to make a new piece.
Make Up
Alex Fishbone
Student learning takes in a lot of
factors into consideration such as prior knowledge, misconceptions, bad
study habits, and limited attention. Students should take their own
prior experiences to create their own learning.
Brady Wisdom
We look for simple solutions in education because we don't really
know exactly how students learn. What we need is a detailed and proven
model that explains all the things that affect learning and how they
work together. Without this, teachers have to guess how students learn,
and this can lead to using simple and untested ideas in teaching.
I would create a photomontague because they are ecletic and
expressive. I enjoyed the group that made one called "Art and
Architecture". It was very nice.
Rudolph Stonisch
1. According to Wade Davis, the
ethnosphere is defined as the sum total of all thoughts, beliefs, myths,
and institutions brought into being by the human imagination,
essentially humanity's cultural counterpart to the biosphere.
------------------- Review art installation found objects readymade Marcel Duchamp nature art conceptual art Ana Mendieta earth - body art collage ethnosphere Parts of a lesson Learning Theories Competency Based Curriculum / MDCPS -------------------- Quiz 1 Installation Art, Nature Art, Naive Art (Drawing) and Collage 1. How can an installation art piece be used to teach an academic subject? 2. Why is nature's art a valid way of bringing attention to ecology? 3. Drawing enhances learning of language arts. Explain 4. A collage develops several skills while allowing children to be creative. Explain. 5. A class could begin with music and warm up. Students can be invited to get on their feet, get away from their desks and follow the professor's muscle groups - isolation warm up. In class, we added conscious breathing at the end of the warm up, we could also add self-affirmations, meditation , mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Why is this important for ...
I Mini-lessons II Question 1 According to the video why are the Arts important in education? II Question 2 What does STEAM mean and why does it matter today? Question 3 What do you think about take-away # 3? III Question 4 What is new about the STEAM approach to Arts integration that is different from what most teachers think arts integration is? Explain Students' Work
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