Class Online / Writing About an Art Piece / Final Papers




Unit: Teaching

Theme: Writing About an Art Piece



Echoing Professor Marjorie Munsterberg, the main point of writing about art is to be "accurate, precise and definite," when describing the piece. However, for our class, that is only the first paragraph. The second paragraph is all about why you chose the piece you are writing about. What does it mean to you. The last paragraph is about how you would use it to teach a lesson related to another subject in the humanities or science.



Learning Objectives

  • Understand the challenges implicit in writing about an art piece

  • Explain aspects of the art piece you chose that relate to your own feelings, experiences, memories

  • Gain an awareness of the importance of writing about the arts

  • Experience what is like to write about the arts for the purpose of teaching


Main Lesson


See below some suggestions when writing about different art genres. 




Sample Essays About Sculptures



Writing About Art in 4 Steps





Drama Critique Example



Writing About Dance


Question 1


If you were to draw parallels about the way one writes about the arts in general, what would the  steps be when writing about all the arts?



A Note to Remember

 The way to breathe life into the description of any object is to apply adjectives to it.  A piece of cloth is of little interest for us until we know whether it is starched, handwoven, salmon pink, translucent, knotted, torn, bespangled, or sodden. Marjorie Munsterberg


Case Study

Learning about how writers write about the arts is a rare opportunity. this discussion by Art Prof Clara Lieu and multidisciplinary artist and writer Isis Davis-Marks brings light to our knowledge on the subject. They review contemporary art exhibitions, current events in the art world, and more.


Question 2

How does Davis-Marks' writing experience helps us to understand what writing about art is about?



 Final Essay

1. Write an essay about a piece of art of your choice. 
It can be a painting, a sculpture, a drama, a musical, a dance, 
a movie, a song, a poem, a story, or any other artistic genre that 
you feel passionate about.
2. The structure of your essay should follow the  guidelines  below:
 (Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font)

3. The Content should include:

1st Paragraph: Write about the piece you chose.

2nd Paragraph: Why you chose it, why is it significant to you?

3rd Paragraph: How would you use it to teach a lesson. 


4. Post your essay on Discussion Board

 Along with your essay, please post a picture or video of the piece you are writing about










Writing About Art.



Students' Work


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