The Arts Essays

1 DON’T PANIC: A lot going on Ellie Karofsky Don’t Panic is a piece of art created by Peter Tunney. Born in Washington D.C. but known to be from New York City, Tunney is an incredible artist that uses a multitude of mediums of art to create pieces that portray messages to spread positivity and encourage a different way of living. This piece of art uses acrylic paint, a collage of newspapers, magazines, artists’ books, and a cutout of words to portray a message. This specific piece of art of his has a neutral background of newspapers, both red and black paint on the foreground with a cutout of letters that spell out “Don’t Panic” with the “c” in the “panic” being backwards. This specific piece of art was made on a thick canvas that can hold the weight of the heavy globs of paint that are all over the painting, when seen up close there is texture within this piece that adds to the artistic style of Peter. The words within the painting “Don’t Panic” portray the message of stay...